Chubby Bunny

Chubby Bunny is a must have for all puzzle game fans! Chubby is hungry! He needs your help to eat all the carrots in each puzzle. The catch? The grass tiles disappear after Chubby eats each carrot. Hop through dozens of mind bending puzzles in the new puzzle hit from No Monkeys!


  • – This puzzle game is wonderfully unique in its gameplay, and boasts cute and entertaining graphics and animation.
  • – Chubby Bunny is een ideale app om even naar te kijken als je even tijd hebt. Het is voor iedereen mogelijk er plezier mee te beleven en kan een leuke uitdaging bieden.
  • – The game play is solid and the challenging puzzlers give it a high replay value.
  • – Chubby Bunny ist ein nettes und geselliges Puzzle-Spiel, das Klein und Groß auf Trab halten wird.


In the first game concept the theme was with an unicorn.

We kept brainstorming if the unicorn idea would fit to the game play and we ened up with a rabbit having to eat carrots.

I wanted to create a bunny that was cute and recognizable. Afetr studying many famous bunnies, I saw they all are unique in their way and they had character.
It also was important to keep the shape of the bunny simple so it could still be regocnizable on a iPhone. I wanted this character to be cute, chubby and at the same time look impatient.
For the cute part, big eyes always work and furry look makes the character even cuter. After many sketches I found the shape I was looking for.


As I mentioned before I wanted the character of the bunny to be hungry, energetic, funny and impatient. This time the character was not made in 3D, so I had to draw all the animations by hand. When you use a cartoony style it’s important you exaggerate the expression to give it more strength.

The character I wanted to give an unique shape, so I gave him a different hair-style.

At first I wanted to create neighborhood und make for each level a different street. In the game the platforms that you walk over, fall down, so it didn’t make sense to give the level a ground.

We ended with the idea to use a sky background where the blocks would drop.


For this icon we came with the idea to use the square shape of the Apple icon as the platform for the rabbit. The green of the grass and the colour of the rabbits fur, give the icon a nice constrast. By giving the gras a shadow of the rabbit, the rabbit pops even more out.

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