Spy Mobile

Spy Mobile is a game that never was finished. Nevertheless there are some interesting sketches that I would like to show you.

The idea of the game was to make a mobile that could fly, drive and go under water. I soon realised the car had to be round shaped, because of the way you had to play the game. So I started to sketch and I came up with the final sketches you can see here above.

I wanted to create a retro style and I thought it would be interesting to make it in Illustrator. I looked a lot at pictures and styles of that area, the shapes they used, the colours, the fonts etc.

When I think about spy and retro, I think about a James Bond kinda character.


In this game I got to make enemies for James Bond. I experimented a lot with different types of enemies. Also here I had to come up with round shaped characaters, because that would make it easier for the gameplay.

Here you can see a sketch of one of the levels. As you can see in the picture, there are three possible play-fields you can play in. The sky, the ground and under water.

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